Tag: #smartportecosystemmanifesto

Preparing the Speed – Smart Port Ecosystem manifesto. Sustainability should not be forgotten when developing Smart Port Ecosystems

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Developments that address the sustainability aspect of port activity must be set high on the agenda of Smart Port Ecosystems. The approaches and technologies that include sustainability aspects at different European ports are detailed by José Manuel Pagés Sánchez, international Project Manager at AIVP, Association Internationale des Villes Portuaires (the worldwide network of port cities). …

Preparing the Speed – Smart Port Ecosystem manifesto: Building trust amongst Smart Port Ecosystem stakeholders: the role of a communication platform where incipient ideas and fears can be openly debated

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In our blog series announcing the Speed – Smart Port Ecosystem manifesto, we are interviewing stakeholders of ‘smart’ ports. This week, we talked with Cyril Chedot, Head of Land use planning Department at Port of Le Havre. The inquiries we had with port stakeholders show that new technological solutions implemented in Smart Port Ecosystems have …

Preparing the Speed – Smart Port Ecosystem manifesto. Taking a bottom-up approach to develop a Smart Port Ecosystem

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Although the movement of vessels in ports might seem chaotic, more and more of these vessel movements and navigation decisions are not taken ad-hoc, on an individual basis nor on board of ships sailing through. The traffic of vessels in ports requires more coordination than what one can see at a first sight.